128 137 236 678
245 290 470 579
129 147 246 679
345 390 480 589
120 157 256 670
139 148 346 689
130 158 356 680
239 248 347 789
140 159 456 690
230 258 357 780
123 178 268 367
240 259 457 790
124 179 269 467
340 359 458 890
125 170 260 567
134 189 369 468
135 180 360 568
234 289 379 478
145 190 460 569
235 280 370 578
128-137-146-236-245- 290-380-470-489-560
678-579-119-155-227- 335-344-399-588-669
129-138-147-156-237- 246-345-390-480-570
679-589-110-228-255- 336-499-660-688-778
120-139-148-157-238- 247-256-346-490-580
670-689-166-229-337- 355-445-599-779-788
130-149-158-167-239- 248-257-347-356-590
680-789-112-220-266- 338-446-455-699-770
140-159-168-230-249- 258-267-348-357-456
690-780-113-122-177- 339-366-447-799-889
123-150-169-178-240- 259-268-349-358-457
367-790-114-277-330- 448-466-556-880-899
124-160-179-250-269- 278-340-359-368-458
467-890-115-133-188- 223-377-449-557-566
125-134-170-189-260- 279-350-369-378-459
567-468-116-224-233- 288-440-477-558-990
126-135-180-234-270- 289-360-379-450-469
117-478-568-144-199- 225-388-559-577-667
127-136-145-190-235-280 370-389-460-479
Hello everyone, how are you all? I hope you all are doing well. Welcome to Sattamatkao Today we are exploring a very important page of our website, it will help you a lot to learn the Panna Panel and Patti Chart. So this page includes all 22 cards
of Panna Panel Patti, in the form of a chart.
When you visit this page, you see on the top, there are panels written for every single digit like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0, and then below it, you will find another section, where you can see all 22 Satta Matka cards, and here
you will find the complete sequence and the combinations of the panels.
Here the first entry is 777, then 1, and then 100. So this is a complete formula of the panel, and below you will see a long figure written which is 128, 137, 146, 236, 245, 290, 380, 470, 489, 550, 678, 579, 119, 155, 227, 335, 344,
399, 588, 669, then similarly, we have many more combinations of them.
These combinations, formulas, and calculated figures of the panels are very important if you are a panel lover, they will help you a lot to understand the basics of the panel, how they are formed, how you can pick the correct figure for
the panel to win it, and win a lot of money in Satta Matka panel games.
So these are called all 22 Panna Panel, and Patti Chart, and these are very important if you are a panel lover, they will really help you to improve your understanding of the panels. So that you will be able to pick a winning panel for
your next big game and you will definitely make a lot of money from that. Thank you. I hope you always win here. Good Luck!